The bakery sections of Costco are very high and amazing. All the products have a great and delectable flavor.

Whenever a festival is about to arrive, it always has something unique for holidays and religious celebrations. Costco also introduces fresh products to the market, especially during Christmas, Easter, and other events.

Costco Giant Christmas Candy Stocking-Complete Guide 2022

Before the arrival of any festival, people are always excited about them and wonder about the gift will be perfect. They search for it, and whenever they go to the Costco store, they find a giant candy stocking. You can get this gorgeous large pack of candy close to Christmas. However, given the large range of sweets, it contains, it makes a beautiful present for children.

Let's discuss the giant stocking filled with the most delicious candies at Costco's store:

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Does Costco Have A Giant Candy Stocking?

Yes, as mentioned earlier, it has a giant candy stocking available at its stores, which is an ideal gift for Christmas. These candies are available in the middle of the candy section along with the other stocks. It is a special Christmas product with a Christmas available in the best packaging. It has some Jingle bells and Christmas trees made on the candy's packaging and label.

Make sure it is more than enough for a single kid so you can gift it to the entire family. This makes it simple for a family to consume the candy stocking, which would be sufficient for them.

 Giant Candy Stocking

What Can You Get In Costco's Giant Candy Stocking?

As you know, Christmas is the most awaited event, especially children always wait for the gift. So, if you are wondering what to gift to the entire family? Then, we have the best gift for you for your family and friends. You can buy Costco's giant candy pack, chocolates, gums, and toffee.

Each big candy stocking from Costco weighs 2.86 pounds and contains a variety of small and medium-sized chocolates. However, a plastic covering is present around each sock.

It has two colors for stocking, which are red and blue. You can select anyone from both of them, But they both have the same products inside them. All the candies are individually covered with a Christmas theme that looks amazing.

Following are the products available in giant candy stockings.

  • Two full-size boxes of frosty nerds
  • Six Reese's peanut butter trees
  • Two full-size boxes of green and red sour patch kids
  • Eight small Rolo candies
  • Ten small kit Kat bars
  • Two full-sized M&M candy canes
  • Two full-sized bags of Haribo gold bears gummy bears
  • Two packs of full-sized crunch bars

The stocking has plenty of candies inside it from various companies. It's a great treat for everyone, especially kids, who are always waiting for these gifts. They would love this pack, filled with chocolates, candy canes, bubble gums, and plenty of candies.

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Costco Giant Candy Stocking Review

"Everyone loves it, so whoever you will gift it will surely love your gift as it's a wonderful treat for all of them filled with multiple candies, chocolates, and peanut butter trees. All of them are exceptional in taste. Additionally, it's a perfect product, but its price is a bit higher but affordable."

"This product is an amazing treat for the entire family because a single kid can't finish it. So, a whale family would love and enjoy the most delicious gift, a "Giant candy stocking."

Costco Giant Candy Stocking Review

How Much Does Costco Candy Giant Stocking Cost?

Make sure its price depends on the location, but it will cost approximately $29.99.

Each location of Costco has its prices because it has multiple locations around the United States. However, I believe the cost is high for such a stocking. But. its price is worth it because of the great products and quality.

Is It Worth Buying?


Every giant candy stocking is in a plastic case filled with over 2.86 pounds of full size. These Costco Giant Christmas Stockings have been available for purchase for the past few years. These stockings are too much, as mentioned earlier, according to many people.

However, these are heavy on pockets because f high rates. But it's perfect and most interesting and enjoyable! Additionally, it would be a wonderful gift to give to a large family or coworkers. The candy inside may then be divided among everyone because a single person can never finish the entire pack as it has a lot of items available.

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Is this enough for the entire family?

Yes, it has a lot of delicious items inside it, so it's a perfect treat on the auspicious occasion of Christmas for the entire family.

For how many pounds do they weigh?

They weigh almost 2.86 pounds and have medium-sized items inside them.

Wrap Up

Before the arrival of any festival, people are always excited about them and wonder about the gift will be perfect. They search for it, and whenever they go to the Costco store, they find a giant candy stocking. We have the best gift for you for your family and friends.

You can buy a giant Costco candy pack with chocolates, gums, and toffee. Each big candy stocking from Costco weighs 2.86 pounds and contains a variety of small and medium-sized chocolates. It has a lot of delicious chocolates, bubble gums, candies, etc., available inside, and you can resist eating these.